[Last update Feb 21, 2021]

This page contains information on 3D printable models of what are called "retro rockets". These are spaceships that were designed in the era before spaceflight began. They represent creative flights of fancy developed in the era of art deco and other pre-1950 designs.

The files I created allows the user to produce models of several of these unique and classic spaceship designs.

Creative Commons License
These models are covered under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

"Space Liner by artist Alexander Leydenfrost"

The files for the spaceliner are available at Cults3d.com (for a nominal charge).

"Earth-to-Mars Rocket Plane by Donald W. Clark"

The files for the rocket plane are available at Cults3d.com (for a nominal charge).

"Retro Spaceship"

The files for the retro spaceship are available at Cults3d.com (for a nominal charge).

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